Tuesday 10 April 2012

Here are a series of adverts I have designed for my character to help promote a game she could be in and the character it self. If you were to see this advertisement in a town or anywhere what would you be thinking or would it get you interested to find out what it was? Is there anything esle I could do with the advert? Do you like my advert and why?


  1. I would be interested in the theme of the game. Depending on the title. They both sound out of this world but the Theodosia title sounds a little greek. If I saw both that title and the other I would question whether it involved time travel along with the cogs that are on the image.
    The little detail in the image gives more mystery to it and with the tag line "Be careful of what you might find..." it makes me want to see more of the game and I would maybe even buy that or try the demo

  2. I quite like the idea of the "Theodosia" title and the idea of the greek or mythical about the game. Gods and Goddesses are always popular in my view and the thought that perhaps here we are presented with a heroine that we can take control of it good. With that said the background image you have of the cobbled sort of alley wouldn't fit, also the cogs suggest that the game is more industrious than a fantasy. I very much like the colour scheme you have gone for I think this could work in a number of time periods so which ever you are going for its a very adaptable scheme. The blue hair of the character interests me in the sense that perhaps your trying to portrait someone from a fantasy world (final fantasy style) or is this a modern woman being taken back? Either way it appears this woman is anything but a normal off the street sort of character. I'd definitely want to see where this goes as there's so many questions I have.

  3. Female/20

    I really like the theme of your adverts and suggests the character is quite industrial, and she looks mysterious and looks like she has stolen or found the watch in her hand. The colours work really well and catch the eye. Both names for the game are quite good but I like the Lucrezia title as the other title I feel is too greek and may lead others to think the game is greek related.
